The Cinema, Film and Projector Heritage Organisation Network

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This is a working document which sets out the ideas and principles of an open non-political umbrella support network for all organisations and individuals who are involved with the heritage areas of cinema, film or projector technology aspects. The purposes of this document the organisation has been named “The Cinema, Film and Projector Heritage Organisation Network‘ although the exact title is open for discussion.

There are a number of different organisations who are all involved with the heritage of cinemas, film and projection technology right across the UK and the world and with the advent of the change from film to digital in the projection room, but also with the wider changes which are happening both in the movie industry and also further a field I feel that it is important for organisations to come together. More so than ever it is going to be important for organisations to work together, share information, ideas and to help collectively highlight and sell the importance and value of the heritage. To this aim the aims for this collective group would be to:

  • Represent all groups and organisations involved in either cinema or film heritage in any form.
  • To provide a forum for information/knowledge/skills sharing.
  • As technology becomes older a place to share equipment and spares to enable restoration.
  • It would be open to any organisation or individual who is involved with this area would be able to take part or be involved in anyway that they feel able to be.
  • Help promote the overall work of the member organisations.
  • To help provide training and education or the skills required to keep equipment going in the future.

As many of the organisations or individuals that are likely to be involved with such a network, ideally the association would be low cost to run and low cost to be part of. In order to stop the group from having to deal with organisational politics as far as possible, it will operate without formal policies and procedures. There would need to be a basic set of rules/guidelines, but as far as possible the organisation would work on an informal basis, and far as possible as part of Business as Usual within the member bodies and with any required finance from grants/donations/sponsorship for a specific purpose. In fact the concept of ‘chair person’ should be rotated around each of the member organisations.

With modern technology, the majority of the network can be administrated and operated remotely, with only occasional get togethers, depending on requirements. But it is important that the individual member organisations retain their autonomy – this is meant to be a umbrella organisations to support all those working in the area.

Potential Member Groups:
The following are possible initial member organisations although the list is not extensive:
The Projected Picture Trust
Curzon Collection, Clevedon
Cinema Museum
Cinema Theatre Association
The London Film Museum
Stockport Plaza
National Media Museum
We Can Still Show Film

Next Steps:
Send out this document to as many potentially interested parties as possible and arrange an initial meeting, which can be in person or virtually as is practical, where this idea can be taken further forward.

Contact Details:
Initial contact details for now via Peter J. Knight, 07747 193447,