Community/Mobile/Pop-Up/Outdoor, Open Air and Mobile Cinemas

As a result of modern technology, the ability for anyone to create and run their ‘own cinema’ has become easier. It has been possible for a long time to have a home cinema and now as mainstream cinema has moved towards digital and digital technology has not only improved but become cheaper so it has become easier for anyone to set up a cinema in their local community.
The number of summer pop-up cinemas grow each year.
In the UK there are actually three full-size digital cinemas, that previously ran 35mm. They are the Screen Machine in Scotland, the Picturehouse and the SSVC and were built by Toutenkamion in France (the website provides a complete technical breakdown for those that are interested). Below is a video about the Scottish Screen Machine:
These are articulated lorries that convert into 80 cinemas. In America, these mobile cinemas are on a much grander scale such as these ones from CineTransformer.