Harry Potter’s Wormtail Actor Likens The Wizarding World Fanbase To ‘A Bit Of A Religion’

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Harry Potter been a big deal for a long time now, starting with the publication of the first novel, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (or Philosopher’s Stone, for you non-Americans) in 1997, and skyrocketing to new heights when the film series launched in 2001. Even though the Wizarding World franchise is on a screen hiatus for the moment, you won’t have any trouble finding fans of the magical mythology J.K. Rowling crafted. In fact, Timothy Spall, who played Wormtail in the Harry Potter movies, has gone so far as to call the fanbase a “bit of a religion.”


Source: https://www.cinemablend.com/movies/harry-potter-wormtail-timothy-spall-wizarding-world-fanbase-a-bit-of-a-religion