If Gareth Edwards and Greig Fraser Can Shoot a Sci-Fi Feature on a Sony FX3, So Can You

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If we’ve said it once on this site, we’ve said it a thousand times: The camera doesn’t make the project, it’s the person behind the camera. The story they’re trying to tell is what’s important. One of the most recent (and big if true) examples of this dictum comes from the most influential filmmakers and cinematographers in the game as more reports are surfacing online that director Gareth Edwards and DP Greig Fraser’s latest project, the ambitious high-concept sci-fi action thriller The Creator was shot on the Sony FX3—a highly affordable, yet surprisingly solid digital cinema camera which you can buy new, today for under $4,000.

Source: If Gareth Edwards and Greig Fraser Can Shoot a Sci-Fi Feature on a Sony FX3, So Can You