In just one trailer, GTA 6 traces a Rockstar lineage through video games and cinema

It’s just one trailer. Let’s get that bit out of the way first. It’s a single trailer, 90 seconds long – or really, about 77 seconds of actual footage – and of all the world’s video game developers now, none are granted more benefit of the doubt, more pre-loaded, automatically qualified hype, than Rockstar. Nobody needs a breathless reaction to one trailer less. As other studios scrambled to meme Rockstar’s announcement-of-an-announcement post the other day, dipping their own reveals and posts in neon pink and orange, Christian Donlan described it as like being in Jurassic Park. A herd of already majestic Brachiosaurus and Gallimimus quietly minding their business in a field – and suddenly: T-Rex. A whole ecosystem scatters.

Source: In just one trailer, GTA 6 traces a Rockstar lineage through video games and cinema |