This work was made as a side project to ‘kagami / real-time face generator.’ It can also be seen as a continuation of the real-time face tracking/ projection mapping project ‘Connected Colors,’ which used the colors of the natural world as its theme.As with ‘kagami’, the theme for this work is the beauty of nature. The Japanese word ‘kachofugetsu’ is a compound derived from flower (ka), bird (cho), wind (fu), and moon (getsu), and is intended to evoke the beauty, diversity and harmony of Japan’s natural treasures. Humans once lived as a part of nature, leading spiritual lives in the midst of its bracing aesthetic. Through the medium of electric make-up art, this work encapsulates the idea that this natural beauty contains a set of aesthetic values and a sense of identity of which Japan ought to be proud. In addition to existing technologies, this work introduces a newly designed 4K/240P projector in order to further improve the delicate feel of the skin and make-up and the sense of dynamic motion.
