Residents unveil vision for Embassy Cinema in Chadwell Heath 

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Plans to bring a banqueting suite in Chadwell Heath back to its former glory as an art deco cinema have been given the green light by architects and independent cinema consultants.

Chadwell Heath South Residents’ Association has been working on the plans to restore the Embassy Cinema in High Road and the project is now at a pivotal stage.

The building is currently owned by Mayfair Venue and used for weddings and functions, but the owners and residents’ association have been discussing the restoration for the last two years.

Embassy Cinema, offering 1,800 seats, was originally opened in 1934 by the mayor of Ilford – it also offered theatre, live variety shows and organ performances and it even had a ballroom for dancing to an orchestra.

Designed by Harry Weston, the building has been used a bingo hall and a banqueting suite since the cinema closed in 1966.

Source: Residents unveil vision for Embassy Cinema in Chadwell Heath | Latest Ilford News | Ilford Recorder