TI unveils DLP® 0.67-inch 4K ultra-high definition (UHD) chip, enabling more affordable large screen projection displays for home, business and education – Yahoo Finance

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DALLAS, Jan. 6, 2016 /PRNewswire/ — Texas Instruments (TI) (TXN) today announced its 0.67-inch 4K UHD chip for home theater, business and education projection displays. Based on proven DLP Cinema® technology, the imaging choice for more than eight of 10 digital theatre screens worldwide, the DLP 4K UHD chipset combines the fast switching speed of the digital micromirror device (DMD) with advanced image processing. This latest DLP Products offering in a single-chip projector architecture enables high resolution and high brightness solutions at a price point that allows manufacturers to expand 4K UHD projection displays to a broad audience. For more information, visit www.ti.com/DLP4KUHD.

Source: TI unveils DLP® 0.67-inch 4K ultra-high definition (UHD) chip, enabling more affordable large screen projection displays for home, business and education – Yahoo Finance