When the Oscars Out-Weirded ‘On Cinema’

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In the past few seasons of On Cinema at the Cinema, movies have become increasingly inconsequential. Comedians Tim Heidecker and Gregg Turkington’s niche, beloved “movie” “review” “show,” in which Heidecker and Turkington lampoon film criticism (as well as the film industry itself and, quite astutely, politics), has, instead, turned into a personality battle between two sociopaths.

One (Heidecker) is an insecure, angry man, insistent upon making a spectacle of his personal life while he hawks various products and money-making schemes. The other (Turkington) is admittedly more of a cinephile, but not out of true appreciation for the art which he purports to champion. Rather, it’s out of the pure desire to prove his superiority over the other no matter the cost.

Source: When the Oscars Out-Weirded On Cinema – Paste