Why we miss the movies

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The room is slowly darkening, the curtain is parting and the floor is sticky; there is the rustle of chip packets, the whisper of quick bouts of gossip and one old man ready to turn around with a sturdy ‘Shhh’. I’m sitting in my seat at the front, alone, eavesdropping a little bit. As the room darkens completely, I throw off the real and imagined baggage I’ve brought in with me and settle in for three hours of something new. There is an almost imperceptible hush, shared between strangers, and the movie begins.

Whenever I travel somewhere for the first time I make sure to go to the local cinema alone at least once. Initially, this habit was born out of necessity – I was travelling alone, there was simply no other option. But now, I’m addicted. There is – or there was – something unique about sitting in a cinema somewhere new, completely alone, sharing something with strangers you’ll never see again.


Read more: https://www.varsity.co.uk/film-and-tv/19295