Compulsory purchase of cinema

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Waltham Forest Council Cabinet members will meet on 15th July to decide whether or not to proceed with a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) aimed at acquiring the EMD/Granada cinema from its current owners, Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG).

Details here

This follows a resolution ‘in principle’ in December 2012 to proceed with a CPO, should it not be possible to acquire the cinema by agreement with UCKG.

It should be stressed that the decision on 15th July is yet to be made and the council could decide not to proceed with a CPO. It is also possible that a CPO may not be successful and UCKG could therefore retain ownership of the cinema.

However, this upcoming meeting is a major milestone in our campaign to revive the EMD for entertainment use and with Waltham Forest Cinema Trust in partnership with Soho Theatre developing plans to revive the building as an exciting cinema & live entertainment venue, this is a significant development.