IMAX: The New Cameras Will Open New Opportunities for Filmmakers

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When shooting for IMAX, most of the time he production won’t shoot the entire film on 15-perf, because it’s hard. For instance, in NOPE, ’only’ 48 minutes of footage in the two-hour movie was shot on IMAX cameras —All the film was shot on 65mm celluloid (60% 5-perf 40% 15-perf for IMAX).

The IMAX cameras are larger and heavier and have shorter running times, due to the huge film stock vacuumed inside and rolled at greater speed — the mags only run about three minutes, whereas other film formats can give you a 10-minute load on a mag. So that can limit the way a director shoots. You can’t do super-long takes, and you have to reload more often. Hence, shooting on 15-perf will give you only 3 minutes per 1000 foot magazine, which will cost $1,5000. Yep, shooting 15-perf is expensive and cumbersome. But the main limitations are the noise, dimensions, and weight. However, IMAX will address these parameters with the new fleet of cameras.

Source: IMAX: The New Cameras Will Open New Opportunities for Filmmakers – YMCinema – News & Insights on Digital Cinema