Preparing a Cinema Camera for a Shoot 

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Have you ever wondered how cinematographers prepare their high-end cinema cameras for a shoot? YouTuber Matti Haapoja effectively covers and simplifies that. By assembling the ready-for-shoot kit for his ARRI ALEXA Mini LF, Haapoja explains the necessity of each part. And it acutely pretty simple to understand. As the name suggests, the ARRI Mini LF ready-to-shoot set is a selection of essential accessories that integrate with the camera in order to allow the proper (and minimal) operation of the camera.

The set includes a viewfinder, Codex drivers, top handle, brackets, cables, power source, and more little and important accessories that allow the expensive camera to do what it was intended to do – shooting movies. After assembling it all together, the compact boxy design of the Mini LF transforms into a heavy, expensive ($100,000) but practical kit.

Source: Preparing a Cinema Camera for a Shoot – YMCinema – News & Insights on Digital Cinema