Steven Spielberg deserves better than to be treated as cinema’s fusty grandfather

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You’d think it would be sacrilege to badmouth Steven Spielberg. As filmmakers go, the 74-year-old is a monolith, his very name synonymous with cinema itself. After inventing the modern blockbuster with Jaws in 1975, Spielberg went on to create a number of the biggest films ever made. Saving Private Ryan completely redefined the war movie; Jurassic Park was pioneering in its use of CGI.

Even the worthiest heirs dubbed “the new Spielberg” (like Christopher Nolan or Denis Villeneuve) seem ghostly pale by comparison. And yet: as cinema’s populist maestro enters the sixth decade of his career, it’s hard not to notice that some people equate Spielberg with everything they don’t like about movies.

Source: Steven Spielberg deserves better than to be treated as cinema’s fusty grandfather